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The Concept of Doctorpreneurship – Part II

You can find the “The Concept of Doctorpreneurship” Part I blog post here.

Doctorpreneurs: Dr. Tom Rolley

Tom is a GP and is passionate about transitioning medicine to a more functional way of using the overwhelming amount of medical information currently available.

He is a proponent of just-in-time medicine, modelled from the learnings of lean manufacturing and development processes. Hence, he created GraduateMedicine.

The target is for GPs to have critical medical information available at the point of care to combine with their experience and intuition and the specific presentation of that patient to facilitate better outcomes from the consultation.

He found GraduateMedicine. Its main purpose is to help overcome the challenge of medicine in the 21st Century which is too much information.

He tells the reason for the thought of doctors’ tradition struggle with entrepreneurship is because in many general practices, there is an inbuilt demand so the need to learn or know something new is not always there. Specifically spoken about his life however, he says he wasn’t on point with money and business. He adds:

“A major challenge for me has been letting go. In medicine I get to control so much, so the challenge is how do I move into a set of skills that has made me continually let go for others to do the work.”



Doctorpreneurs: Dr. Alexander Finlayson

Alexander is the Head of Research at the King’s Centre for Global Health, King’s College London, Deputy Director of the INDOX research network at Oxford University and the CEO of MedicineAfrica Ltd. 

MedicineAfrica is an attempt to address the mismatch between the global burden of disease and the global clustering of healthcare expertise. At the level of vision their slogan is ‘Bringing the world to the bedside’ so we are trying to create an environment in which, regardless of a healthcare worker or patient’s location on earth, there is a conduit through which they can access the collective medical expertise of the globe. On a more practical level that means providing real-time mentoring, tutoring and clinical support to isolated healthcare workers in low- and middle-income countries, specifically Somaliland, Ghana, Palestine, Tanzania. So rather than flying five doctors from a single hospital for one week a year to ‘capacity build’, we want to connect up whole hospital campuses in different parts of the world.

Throughout his experience, he has coped with running the business side of things  with trial and error. He says that error, and being able to accept and learn from mistakes and failure, are a vital part of the process. He says that trying to do something with a positive social impact but also having a way to modify this based on what you learn is incredibly exciting and being confronted with seemingly intractable problems, we have one right now, but there is always a solution somewhere. Here are top 3 tips for medics who have entrepreneurial aspirations from Dr. Alexander Finlayson:

  1. Try to do your day job well.
  2. Remember your home constituency is health, and you signed up to alleviate at least some of the suffering, inequity and ill-health so a business which does ‘good’ somewhere in the healthcare value chain seems like a good place to exhibit any potential entrepreneurial flare.
  3. Go placidly amid the noise and haste.

Nowadays we are witnessing a time of infectious disease which blocked all the roads that run in our lives. We are living at the center of consciousness and altruism. Doesn’t it sound like doctorpreneurship? All the precautions taken by our governments in the light of science and medicine, all the efforts of doctors and scientists will determine our future. Care and hope will determine our next generations’ health and safety. 

Lastly, I want to re-emphasize the need for doctorpreneurship in our societies. Today, every society needs doctorpreneurs working for the wellbeing of the society. It’s the best time for doctorpreneurship ever! We, as Oruba Technology, support your works and efforts on your entrepreneurship adventure and will be open to all your problems and questions.

Thanks to our R&D and academic studies, we had the chance and honor to collaborate with great doctors and academicians to develop new innovations. We have advisors, mentors, and colleagues in the medical field who inspire us a lot and we learn every day from their doctorpreneurship ideas. In our 4 TUBITAK R&D projects and 2 KOSGEB projects we have worked with 7 academicians and 3 doctors.

We are continually researching, developing new technologies, and creating the future of health tech. If you have any innovative ideas, doctorpreneurial projects, need technical know-how or support of an engineering team, or if you don’t know from where to start your project, contact us and let’s discuss what we can do for you.

Eylül Özsoy



❖ https://simplevisit.com/become-a-doctorpreneur/


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